This is the new alien jump jet
It is a 4 channel micro electric indoor VTOL
It has 3 micro gyros that keep it as steady as a rock in the air, ground effect isn't a problem so you can hover inches off the ground. It's auto stabilization is amazing push on it and it pushes back to stabilize itself, it's very cool. When you order it you can select to have either a mode 1 or mode 2 transmitter. Mode 1 has throttle on the right stick, mode 2 has throttle on the left stick.
It comes with the aircraft, replacment blades, a transmitter and a wall socket charger with an adapter for most major countries.
At the moment it is only available through snelflight.
They helped develop the aircraft and their customer support is amazing they are the best place to get one. They ship very quickly, usually in less then a week. But delivery times will vary depending on the postal service in your country.
It is controlled via IR, but an RF upgrade will be coming out later this year,
The IR signal is very powerful and it works well in the home, but if you want to fly it out doors or in large open areas you will want to upgrade it to RF.
This aircraft is a blast to fly and it looks really cool, I think it represents a new wave in electric consumer rc aircraft.
Alien Jump Jet at
A nice new rc helicopter known as quad copter it has very nice features and with these features the chances of crash is very less because their features provide them lot of stability for a flight.